

We were all told as children to \’93be good listeners.\’94 This is because listening skills are something that serve us throughout the course of our lives. However, more and more these days our listening skills are deteriorating.  With the recent surge in technology, it\’92s become commonplace to see someone \’93talking\’94 to another person with their face buried in their phone or computer than seeing two people fully engaged and listening to one another.  So what makes listening skills so important, especially in a dental office?

In a dental office it\’92s important to listen not only to your employees and coworkers, but your patients too. Everyone deserves to be heard and understood. Not listening carefully to what others tell or ask of you can result in unfortunate situations. If you fail to listen to your coworkers, an important task might not get completed. And if you don\’92t listen to your patients, you could have an unsatisfactory visit on your hands.

Here are a few ways you can improve your listening skills in your dental office.

Be In the Moment

Even without technology, it can be easy to get distracted when someone is talking to you. If you find it annoying or disrespectful when people aren\’92t paying attention to you when you speak, odds are they find it annoying and disrespectful when you do it. Be present when someone is talking to you so you are ready to listen.

Don\’92t Talk

It can be difficult, but fight the urge to jump in and talk when someone is speaking to you. A lot of the time people just need someone to listen to them. So just listen.

Use Body Language

Show the person you\’92re listening by using body language. Nod your head when appropriate, and most importantly, maintain eye contact. This will demonstrate that you\’92re really listening to what they\’92re saying and that you\’92re not distracted.

Having good listening skills is key to being an effective communicator. So next time you\’92re at the dental office, make sure you\’92re actively listening to you coworkers and patients. They\’92ll notice the difference and you will too.

Want to fill your schedule? Learn how to improve your communication skills!

