

Communication skills are something we learn and improve upon throughout life.  Some of us develop into excellent communicators while others never seem to quite grasp the skill.  By definition, communication means, \’93the exchange of ideas, messages or information.\’94  As a dental professional, it is crucial to make sure that every message, idea and piece of information you communicate is received clearly and appropriately.  

Pay careful attention to each of these essential dental patient communication skills.

Ask for Feedback

Going to the dentist is stressful.  No one really likes to go to the dentist\’97it generally is coupled with feelings of stress and anxiety.  If someone is stressed, it is not always easy to hear and really take in what others are saying.  To prevent communication misunderstandings, use open-ended questions and prompt the patient to ask for clarification when necessary.  Ask that they repeat back takeaway and action items back to you to ensure they absorbed what was discussed.  Patient communication is not only about talking, but making their visit comfortable and more pleasant will be beneficial for both parties.  

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Listen Up

The dental office is a busy place and it can be all too easy to forget to really listen to what your patients are telling you.  Active listening shows that you are really listening and hearing what the patient has to say.  Effective communicators have the ability to \’93read\’94 others\’97that means both verbally and nonverbally.  Check that you incorporate these three vital components to becoming an active listener to step up your patient communication skills:

  1. Intentionally listen to what the patient is saying.  Don\’92t become distracted, always maintain eye contact and ask follow-up questions based on what the patient is telling you with their actions and their words.   
  2. Watch the patient\’92s facial expressions and posture when they are speaking to you.  Watch for any signs of irritation or confusion and address these concerns before they leave the office.  Also, watch your own body language to ensure you are communicating effectively and not sending any mixed messages.  
  3. Keep an open mind.  Never assume that you know your patient\’92s circumstances or judge. Be compassionate and understanding to all patients.  

Effective patient communication is a precious tool in your dental office.  We\’92ve given you several things to improve your own communication skills for a fulfilling and successful business.  

Are you ready to simplify and streamline your efforts to grow your dental practice? Follow this link to request a consultation with one of our call experts, or call us today at 888.978.2615 and get started in only three simple steps!

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