

Have you ever looked at your schedule first thing in the morning and wondered how in the world you were going to make it through the day?  You don\’92t want the schedule to control the office; the office should control the schedule.  Any successful dental practice, or any business for that matter, has an established process that is consistently executed with integrity.  A patient scheduling process will allow your clinic to fulfill its goals and missions if it is well structured and managed. 

Streamlining your dental patient scheduling process is one of the easiest ways you can increase productivity and profitability.  Here\’92s how you can get started today.

5 Dental Patient Scheduling Process Tips for Success

Do the Most Productive Thing First

One of the best patient scheduling process tips is to start out with the most productive item of the day first.  Block off specific hours and time every single day to complete those things.  For example, you can block off 2-3 hours in the morning that are allocated toward certain fee level cases to avoid the schedule getting clogged with all types of dentistry. 

Outsource Your Recall Services

Dental recall duties are generally assigned to office staff who may not have the right training or enough time to get the best results.  In fact, dental patient recall can actually be counter-productive in most situations for dental office staff. To super streamline your patient scheduling process, outsource your dental recall services with a company like Patient Focus to help increase your practice profitability and overall revenues.   Patient Focus will help you reach those overdue patients and maximize all of your revenues.  Contact Patient Focus today for the patient scheduling process key component you\’92ve been searching for

Diminish Downtime

Too much downtime can destroy productivity and ultimately profitability.  Make sure to keep downtime to a minimum and track any unscheduled units of time each month to figure out what the true downtime cost is in your dental office. 


Determine dentist time and practice administrator time.  After you determine what items can be delegated and to whom, provide the necessary training and let go as someone else takes it on.  Delegating is a key strategy for productivity in dentistry today and is an important piece in developing the best patient scheduling process for you and your team.  

Establish the Ideal Day

Having the ideal schedule and daily goals established iron out the stress in your dental practice and help your team understand their priorities and what is to be accomplished. Not to mention it helps employees feel more fulfilled when they are able to regularly reach goals and follow at least a semi-structured plan. 

Having an effective scheduling process in place can define your dental practice\’92s efficiency and effectiveness. 

Patient Focus is here for your dental practice to reactivate your patients with live calls.  Discover how Patient Focus can breathe life back into your practice.


