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If you\’92re on a search to learn how to run a successful dental practice look no further.   We have 3 tips for you to make your dental practice more profitable and organized all while keeping your dental patients at heart. 

How to Run a Successful Dental Practice – 3 Simple Tips

Identify What Makes Your Dental Practice Unique

You want to identify what sets you apart from the rest\’97what makes you the best and unique.  It could be that you offer a wide array of oral health services or focus on a certain specialty.  Are you the best at crowns or focused on preventative healthcare services?  Let everyone know!  You will reach a niche audience looking for that specific service and gain a marketing advantage by creating brand awareness.  Your marketing materials should be tailored to highlight your unique competitive advantage to increase new patients and word of mouth from your existing satisfied dental patients! 

Set the Tone Up Front

A lot of people have a fear of the dentist.  One way to alleviate these fears is having a friendly smile and warm words from the welcoming front desk.  The first interaction your dental patients receive should be nothing but welcoming\’97whether in person at the front desk or when on the phone scheduling appointments.   You are in the business of smiles after all\’97be sure everyone in your office has a smile in person and when speaking on the phone.   Leaving a lasting impression on your dental patients will impact your retention rate significantly.  The attitude, communication and professionalism of your staff leave a lasting impression on patients\’97one that can make or break your dental practice. 

Take Advantage of Outsourcing

Outsourcing some of the day-to-day business aspects of the dental practice is not only economical, but allows for more time and enhanced business efficiency.   If dentists or the dental staff is running the business side of the practice, it can place additional time demands on them pulling them away from the ever important patient-related tasks.  An effective alternative is to use an outsourced partner to take over those labor-intensive business functions to free up your time to make your business more successful.  Patient Focus offers innovative solutions making it seamless for dental providers to manage relationships with active and inactive patients. 

If having a successful and full schedule is important to your practice, you owe it to yourself to get a solid recall system in place. Patient Focus delivers exceptional service and effective calls, ensuring your schedule is full.  Revolutionize your practice and request your complimentary consultation here today.  

