

Is the door to your dental practice collecting dust and are the hinges getting rusty?  Stuck in a slump with no new dental patients coming in or struggling with a low retention rate?  It\’92s time to change things up.  Discover how to get new patients into your dental practice and keep them there. The great news?  It\’92s not as expensive or difficult as you may think.  

How to Get New Patients Into Your Dental Practice\’97And Keep Them There!

Creating the best experience possible for patients will not only ensure new patients find their way through your doors, it will help to skyrocket your retention rates. Follow these three rules of a successful dental practice and you\’92ll quickly find your schedule filling up!

Survey Your Surroundings

Take a look around your dental practice and ask yourself these questions:

  1. Is the d\’e9cor attractive?
  2. It is clean?
  3. Is there plenty of space?
  4. Is there entertainment for patients while they wait?
  5. Is it comfortable?

If you answered no to any of these questions, it\’92s time to redecorate and reorganize.  Your office and waiting area should be a place you wouldn\’92t mind hanging out in for a little bit.   

Consider these 6 things when creating the best dental office design ergonomics to make your patients feel right at home.

Slap on a Smile

A genuine smile goes a long way.   Do you see smiling faces when looking at your staff?  Do you find yourself too busy thinking about what you need to do next instead of being in the moment and smiling during your day?  A smiley and friendly dental staff that greets patients as soon as they walk through the door will make all the difference in the world.  If your patients don\’92t feel welcomed, you can bet they won\’92t be coming back.  Always hire a calm, pleasant and positive office staff to guarantee that happiness radiates all the way to the patient.  After all, happiness is contagious!

Target Inactive Patients

You should always maintain a recurring relationship with all of your patients\’97active or inactive.  If you don\’92t keep communication strong, how can you ever solidify any sort of valuable relationship?  If you\’92ve been considering a patient recall system, you want it to be as effective as possible, because it is one of the most important systems that you can have in your practice. Don\’92t let your existing patients fall through the cracks! Keep them coming with a top notch patient recall program.

Stop scratching your head and worrying how to get new patients into your dental practice. Follow these helpful tips and quickly see an increase in your new and returning patient visits!

Are you ready to simplify and streamline your efforts to grow you dental practice?  Follow this link to request a consultation with one of our call experts, or call us today at 888.978.2615 and get started in only three simple steps!
