

Have your patients ever walked out of your dental office saying, \’93WOW!\’94? 

All top-performing dental practices depend on one critical factor\’97providing an exceptional patient experience.  A patient experience that brings on the \’91WOW\’92 does not mean simply being nice and smiling. It starts with the first point of contact through when they physically set foot in your office and until they are out the door.  This first impression and patient experience will set the stage for a potential relationship with you and your dental team. 

Every single day, your decisions and actions are all stepping stones to turning your dental patients into raving, lifelong fans.  How can you make that happen? 

Achieve that sought after \’91WOW\’92 factor with these 4 ideas for creating the ultimate patient experience. 

Make a Killer First Impression

Never ever underestimate the power of a solid first impression.  Take for example the telephone.  This is often a prospective patient\’92s very first impression.  Consider establishing a set telephone greeting and decide who will be talking to patients.  Create a telephone script to provide a consistent message and go over various scenarios of how best to respond to questions and concerns. You can \’91hear\’92 when someone is smiling on the phone, so ensure your staff knows how important this is!

Razzle Dazzle Them the First Visit

The moment a patient arrives in your office, think of it as show time!  Or even better, like  welcoming a guest into your home.  Put yourself in their shoes.  What do they see when they first walk in?  Is your reception area aesthetically pleasing?  Decide to greet patients when they arrive and determine who on your staff is best fit to handle this.  You want to be sure that all exchanges are warm, quick and seamless and that you stay on time.  Try making morning huddles a priority so everyone is ready for new patients and on the same page every day. 

Make Them Feel Special

When a patient walks through your door or calls on the phone, smile and make them feel welcome.  Try to say the patient\’92s name at least three times.  Make a minimum of two connections with them such as talking about their family, hobbies or where they\’92re from.  Listen.  Truly listen.  Taking the time to hear their wants, needs and goals and acknowledge them will help you to connect with these individuals as people, not just patients, and ultimately build a trusting relationship. 

Have an Effective Dental Recall System

Not having the right system or tools in place can create or add stress for your practice.  If you\’92re stressed, your patients can feel that energy.  Through an effective dental recall system in place like Patient Focus, your practice will continue to develop and thrive!  Patient Focus offers your dental practice an effective dental recall system that has an impact on the dental health of your patients, restorative revenues, patient retention and practice growth. 

Do you struggle keeping appointments? Feel as though your calendar is a little emptier than usual? We\’92ve got your 5-Point Checklist to A Full Schedule: Essential Secrets to Successfully Filling Your Dental Chairs.
