
jordan shawd

We are excited to launch a new blog series:  The Patient Focus Team Member Spotlight!  Every month, you can get the inside scoop on our team and company culture.  For our first month, we’re putting the spotlight on Account Specialist, Jordan Shawd.  Read on to find out why she loves working with Patient Focus and what’s on her bucket list.  

Meet Jordan Shawd

What is your role at Patient Focus?

Account Specialist. I handle the accounts of different dentist and call their patients to schedule their hygiene appointments.

How long have you worked at Patient Focus?

2 years

What are 3 words to describe Patient Focus?

Ambitious, Quality, & Outstanding

Where are you from? 

Mesa, Arizona

What is your favorite part about working for Patient Focus?

My favorite part about working for Patient Focus is getting to work with such amazing people every day. We are a great team with the same vision.

What\’92s your favorite aspect of your job? 

My favorite aspect of my job is getting to work with different dentists and their patients all over the country and even Canada. Knowing that what we do helps them is so rewarding. This job has made me so interested in the dental world and has taught me so many things along the way.  Being part of the growth of this company is such an important experience for me.

Best vacation you\’92ve been to?

A few years ago when I went to the US Surf Open in Huntington Beach. I went with a bunch of my girlfriends and it was the best time of our lives just hanging out on the beach for a couple days.

What book is on your nightstand if at all?

All of my textbooks for school. I am currently studying to get my bachelor\’92s degree at Arizona State University.

What\’92s on your bucket list?

A few things on my bucket list are to travel the world, learn a second language, and learn to play the guitar and piano.

If Hollywood made a movie about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?

Blake Lively, she is one of my favorite actresses and we both have blonde hair!

Do you have a nickname?

Most people call me Jordie or Jords.

Favorite childhood memory

One of my favorite childhood memories is from back when I lived with my cousin for the summer. We were about 8 years old and one summer day we decided we were going to put on a concert. So we made flyers and practiced singing and dancing to all our favorite songs. Then we turned the garage into our stage and put on a concert for all the neighborhood kids. It was such a silly and fun thing we did together that I will never forget.

Favorite movie

All the Harry Potter movies. You\’92re a wizard Harry!

One place you could travel to right now.

I would LOVE to travel to Greece. It looks so beautiful there.

Favorite quotes

\’93Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing\’94\’97Benjamin Franklin

\’93You are the key to your own success\’94\’97Unknown

Biggest pet peeve

When people bite their nails, yuck!

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